

Live simply so that others may simply live.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Oh hi, blog.

Sorry for neglecting you for so long. Two months are too long for me.

So, we are now already stepping in to 2017. Time flies so fast. I can't recall what I have done in 2016. What I remember is that 2016 is the year of juggling. I graduated, moved from one to another workplace, met new people, did some projects, and created some upcoming tasks for next year. In the middle of those, I faced many luck and obstacles. I mean, those are a lot, right?

And now, I am trying my best to put everything in its place. As life is getting more and more complicated, the task is considerably difficult. Long-hour work equals less sleep. Long sleep means no money. More money will create the urge to splurge. WHY, though.

Back to the idea of approaching the new year. You know, I really don't know what to expect. Neither do I have long list of new year resolution. As much as I remember, 2016 took me higher by bringing high expectations. Lately I learned that it is a lesson for me to not expect too much on something. And oh, it taught me to think a lot more about what's good and bad if you face a chance. What looks good on the surface can be a disaster. Think deep.

Here comes what I expect from me, my surrounding, and the universe:

1. Dream Bigger


Nobody can stop me from creating something I like. Nobody can bring me down. My dreams are mine. Don't mind them, mind yours if you have.

2. Know Better


I was overwhelmed by many things that are disconnecting me from myself. It is the right time to focus on me, knowing myself better. Still fresh on my mind how often I had a conversation with myself. I and the soul within me contemplate about so many things --positive ones, of course. We don't mind living in solitary.

3. Live Simpler, Slower


Been years living too much in a rush. Now I don't want to force things. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't have to do with decreasing ambition. My point is, eliminating distractions that turn my focus off. Priority matters.

4. Express More


Means more fluent expressing gratitude. Feeling free to release anger through tears. Saying love to the loved ones. Showing pride in elegance. Being myself in every situation.

5. Dress Simpler

Still inspired and obsessed with minimalism and simplicity. Will talk a lot more about this philosophy in another part.

6. Smaller Circle


Keep it small and tidy. I want friendship with intimacy and full of sincerity. No more drama, for nobody needs any. Do you agree?

What kind of things you want to improve or to eliminate in 2017? 


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